
The blossoming!

The “small” grove in Voulgaraki

When we carried out our foliar fertilization a month ago (read our entry from April 17, 2024), our trees had just formed inflorescences. By now, a month later, they should be blossoming. An inspection of the groves at this time is particularly useful to check the progress of flowering and the general condition of the trees.

Inspection of the groves during blossoming

The next few days are critical. It is particularly important that temperatures remain moderate – at least below 30°C – so that the delicate flowers do not wither. As soon as fruits have formed, it can get warmer; The Manaki olive tree, native to Corinth, can tolerate heat and drought well. Our next date at the groves is in about 4 weeks. By then the fruits should have grown large enough to be easily recognizable on the branches. It is only then that an estimate about this year’s harvesting prospects may be possible.

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