
"TRAGOS Oil" is finally getting on its way... And in good company


Our pallet being loaded in Corinth!

Finally, our “TRAGOS Oil” is hitting the road! At the end of last week, the transport company picked up the oil for Heidelberg and soon the “parcel” to Paczkow is getting on its way too.

This year’s delay, however, has good reasons; TRAGOS is not travelling alone this time, but with his friends and had to wait a little bit for them!

“TRAGOS and Friends” is our new product. It is delicious oil made from olives of the varieties “Manaki” and “Koroneiki”, which we have produced in collaboration with the farmer Jannis Aggistriotis.

“TRAGOS and Friends” is very important to us and gives us great pleasure, because with it we open our collaboration with other producers in the region of Corinth. Through such cooperations we come closer to our goal of promoting sustainable cultivation in Greece. In this way we are also at the position to have enough good olive oil to offer to our friends and clients, because, as you know, last harvest on the projects’ fields was particularly low and further such bad harvests are certain to occur in the future too.

We hope you will approve of this new collaboration and that you will enjoy “TRAGOS and Friends”!

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