
Inspection day!

Spring is advancing in Corinth. Certain field flowers are already blooming and the olive trees are beginning to bud. It is the right time for a closer inspection of the olive groves, and such an inspection was made on March 10th.

Elton (left), Aris (middle) and Panos (right)

In addition to our producer Elton and Tragos co-founder Panos, Aris, our organic farming advisor was also there.

The goal of the inspection was to determine whether the trees lack water or nutrients and if there are signs of pests. This information is mainly obtained through the foliage. Ideal are a full foliage and robust, flawless leaves. The olive tree leaf is deep green on the inside, relatively soft and porous. This is how light and moisture are absorbed and where photosynthesis takes place. The outside, on the other hand, is silver-gray, hard and smooth. It protects the sensitive inside from bad weather, such as hail and frost, and reflects the sunlight. According to its needs, the tree arranges and folds its leaves. If it lacks water, the leaf folds inwards and turns away from the sun, so that the sensitive inside of the leaf is protected from the sun and the tree from evaporation.

Deep green, soft and porous inside
Silver-grey, hard and smooth exterior

Olive branch with withered (yellow) leaves

Unfortunately, it has been determined that the soil in several groves is dry. The hasty passing of the storm “Medea” was not good for the fields. In some, few places, the leaves were no longer just folded but already withered. On the other hand, there were hardly any signs of nutrient deficiency or pests, but for the latter, the season only starts now in spring.

Going out in cheerful carelessness and without provisions, the hungry inspectors had to “console” themselves with the wild growth on the fields. Good it is the time of wild asparagus and wild garlic!

Wild leek

Circled in blue: sprout at the end of the branch
Circled in red: sprout in leaf angle

Perhaps a few words on the germination of the trees: the olive tree bears buds both at the end of its branches and in the leaf axils. In any case, leaf-bearing shoots develop from the buds at the end of the branches. Whether leaf-bearing or flower-bearing shoots develop from the buds in the leaf axils depends on a majority of factors that humans can only partly influence (e.g. by fertilizing and watering).

Mainly, it depends on the weather and, in particular, on how many hours the tree had cold in winter. Cold favors the development of leaf-bearing shoots and warmth favors the development of flower-bearing shoots. In addition, the development of flower-bearing shoots is promoted by the presence of a healthy foliage; only a healthy, strong tree can bear well!

Elton and Aris talk about olive tree culture

The expedition ended at Elton’s house. Elton had prepared a grand feast for the crew! What a way to end such a glorious day!

Wild leeks and asparaguses are fine but not as fine as a home grown pork!


The smells and smoke of the grilled meat seem to have reached and pleased the gods!

On the night of 10th to 11th of March, it rained on the fields!

Therefore, such actions should be repeated more often!

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