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F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

How well do you know olive oil? Are you a real expert or are there things you are not certain about? Anyway, we hope there will be something interesting for you to find in our FAQs. And of course, feel free to email to us any further question that might be of general interest.

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The right time for harvesting is when the olives start to turn yellow (the olive is initially green, then goes to yellow and eventually, when it has reached full maturity, it becomes dark purple). When the olives are harvested while they are mainly green or yellow, it is called an “early harvest”. Early-harvested olives may yield less olive oil, but it will be more flavorful, aromatic and richer in nutrients.

In our area and for our species of olive tree (manaki) usually the right time for harvest is within the second half of October.

According to EU olive oil legislation there are different categories of olive oil (such as extra-virgin, virgin etc). In order to be marketed under a certain category, the olive oil’s characteristics must respect the limits established for that category. The different categories of olive oils are graded according to quality parameters, relating to their physico-chemical characteristics, such as the acidity level, peroxide index, UV232-Absorption, and their organoleptic (sensory) characteristics, such as the fruitiness and the absence of organoleptic defects.

Extra virgin olive oil is the category with the highest quality. From an organoleptic point of view, it has no defects and is fruity. Its acidity level does not exceed 0.8%.

With the help of nature, good farming and processing we have managed to be producing extra-virgin olive oils so far.

No, because there exist no “premium“ olive oils. As mentioned, the categories of olive oils are laid down uniformly Europe-wide. In applicable legislation, namely Regulation (EU) 1308/13 as supplemented by Regulation (EU) 2104/2022, there is no mention of “premium” olive oils and, of course, no definitions of their characteristics.

Cold extraction is a process used to produce extra virgin olive oil. It involves pressing olives into a paste using a mechanical process and then separating the oil from the paste by centrifugation, without the use of heat or chemicals. The temperature used during the process must not exceed 27°C (80°F) and this limit is applied to all stages of the process, from the grinding of the olives to the centrifugation of the paste.

The benefits of cold extraction olive oil include preserving the flavor, aroma, and nutritional value of the olives, as well as preserving the antioxidants and vitamins that are naturally found in olives. Cold extraction also helps to ensure that the oil is free of any contaminants, including those that are related to oxidation, rancidity, and heat.

Our olive oils are extracted coldly.

Yes, olive oil is safe for frying. In fact, in Greece it is very common. Olive oil has a high smoke point of 210°C, meaning it can be heated to a temperature high enough to brown and crisp food safely. It may be used for both low- and high-heat cooking and works well for most types of deep-frying and sautéing. However, it is not suitable for air frying.

Having said that, one should not use the same quantity of frying olive for frying more than twice, as toxic compounds may be released in this case. 

Olive oil stays fresh for a long time if certain basics are observed: it must be stored cool and dark and should not come into contact with air. A cellar is thus the ideal storage location for such a food.


Our goal is to deliver the olive oil to our customers as soon as possible after harvesting. This way, the olive oil is produced, processed, stored and transported under cool conditions and arrives fresh at our customers.


It corresponds to the practice of many families in Greece to get “the oil of the year” («το λάδι της χρονιάς») immediately after the harvest. If you have found a good food, it makes sense to secure it for the whole year if you can store it properly.

We use dark bottles because exposure to light can cause the oil to degrade and lose its flavor, aroma, and health benefits. Dark bottles protect the oil from exposure to light, preserving its quality.

Typically, fine olive oil is bottled in small bottles. However, olive oil is not perfume but a food that should be consumed every day (recommended daily intake: 10-15ml / day). Therefore, small bottles make little sense.

We also find the filling of larger containers to be more respectful of the environment. This reduces the consumption of energy and natural resources (e.g. in the manufacture and transport of bottles, in packaging, etc.) and produces less waste.

But even if you consume olive oil very moderately, there are solutions to slow down oxidation. For example, you can pour olive oil into a smaller bottle and still store the larger container airtight, fresh and dark.

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