
Olive Harvest 2022: A success with the help of the Tragophiles!

We started promptly on the day of OΧΙ (“No” to the Italians’ request for surrender).How could spirits not be high!

The harvest is the highlight of the agricultural year. It is the conclusion of a cycle and the opening of a new one. The tree gives the human its fruits and can then rest and recover during the winter.

The human recognizes how well nature has meant it with his efforts and can finally perceive the result of his care with his senses.

This year nature showed us a certain favor. Here the beautifully formed,healthy fruit on one of our trees.

Morning hour has gold in its mouth. Or at least so we say to ourselves, because a harvest worker has to get out of bed early
Elton with his friends, Jimmy and Edwin helped some too. And little Christina added to the joy!
Good teamwork: while fruit is being shaken off one tree, the nets are laid out under the next.
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It was a great pleasure for us that also this year friends have arrived for this important and festive event. Elise (New York), Joanna (Paczkow), Marilu (Lugano), Kurt (Chiemsee), Markus (Lichtenstein) and Michael (Heidelberg) were ready for duty in our hotel in Loutra Oreas Elenis in the afternoon of the 27th of October!

The next morning it started. Elton, our producer, with his friends, was waiting for us on the grove “Gouva Gropa” near Alamano and quickly distributed tasks. With the help of the experienced “harvest helpers” (Joanna, Markus and Michael were also here last year) the new team members could also be instructed quickly and provide expensive help with the nets, at the sieve and also with the picking rods.

Although this year was not a particularly good year quantitatively either (related our report from 28.6.), there was much more to harvest than in the previous year and so it was important that the team progresses quickly.

This would certainly not have been so successful without the committed participation of the Tragophiles!

Harvest veteran Michael with the picking pole
Elise, Kurt and Elton unload the nets onto the sieve
The sieve: the olives must pass through it. Branches stay behind. Bad or crushed fruit is sorted out.
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Work is beautiful. But the break is sweeter!
New friendships: Harvest veteran Markus with village priest Vagelis.
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We worked under a blue sky and glaring sun for three days. But it was not only work, but also fun, nice conversations and new friendships. Of course, the best taverns in the area were visited again, because the team had to stay strong.


 And those who had brought their bathing suits could also enjoy the sea, which was still wonderfully warm.

The olives were taken to the extraction mill of Dimitris Sinanos in the nearby village, Klenia. Dimitris runs a small and modern mill and has made a very good name for himself in the area due to his loving and meticulous work.

Dimitris also runs a bottling plant next to the mill, so that the dispatch of our olive oil can take place under the same roof.

Dimitris's oil mill in Klenia
Our magnificent fruits before pressing!
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The most exciting moment of harvest day! The fresh olive oil is here!

Dimitris took us through his plant and explained to us the different stages of olive oil production. We were also able to inspect the fruits of other producers and compare them with ours, as well as taste different fresh oils! Of course, our oil tasted the best!

Finally, all together at “Papadas” in Athikia for the delicious goat soup!

Και του χρόνου παιδιά, ευχαριστούμε! (See you next year, thank you!

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