
Call for harvest!

Acrocorinth towers over our groves. Here Tragophiles from all over the world are invited to the harvest!

Dear Tragophiles,

it is now mid-September and the situation in the groves is pretty much set. Contrary to our fears and earlier estimates, this year doesn’t look bad on the groves. Now that the fruits have grown big and are therefore better recognizable, it can be seen that many of our trees bear good fruit. Help with the harvest will therefore be not only desired but also necessary this year!

The farmer rejoices at such a sight; the branches bend from the weight of the fruit.

Here it is clear: the fruits are well formed, but the tree suffers from the lack of water; the leaves are dry and crooked.

Our estimate is that the harvest will also take place this year in the last week of October. Our target date is therefore the 28th of October! Hopefully it will have rained by then; the trees are quite stressed from the long drought and need the water to form juices in the fruits.

However, the picture is not uniform. Some olive groves get more moisture or can preserve moisture better. There the fruits are bigger and juicier. They already taste wonderfully bitter!

We would be delighted to welcome you on the fields and to work together! Those of you who want to come should please contact us directly (info[a]tragos.gr).

Since the exact harvest days can not even be set short-term in advance (e.g. they depend on the weather conditions), interested harvesting helpers should plan their trip to Corinth generously or flexibly.

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Tragophiles at work at Harvest 2021.

Addendum: On the occasion of the last inspection of the groves, we visited a very special department.
We proudly present our fertilizer production site:

A great relief that fertilizer production for our groves is not affected by rising oil and gas prices.

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