
Olive trees on the fast lane?

On the way to the groves, a good sign; a magnificent herd of goats!

Our discoveries during the mid-May inspection (please see our report of 14.5.) quickly brought us back to the groves. Is it possible that fruit will still form?

And yes, it looks like it! Not on all groves and not on all trees, but on several there are flower buds and already blossoms. Some trees have even started to bear fruit!

Branch with flower buds on grove “Voulgaraki”
Branch with flower on grove “Monolos”
First fruit from a tree on grove “Aghios Thanassis”
Summer is already here (view from grove “Voulgaraki”)
But the trees are fresh and vigorous! (Tree on grove "Rachi-Vardaka“)

So, is the year saved? No, not yet. Summer is coming; temperatures are already rising and the buds are delicate and sensitive to heat. But there is good reason for hope. For the spring has been rainy and so the trees are fresh and vigorous. Thus, chances that they will be able to support their buds are increased! Will the sun or the tree triumph? Stay tuned to find out. There will be news again soon!

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