
A load of dung. The biggest treasure!

“Our” load of dung!

The “Voulgaraki” grove on a bright winter day; Far in the horizon is the Acrocorinth.

So far, the winter in our region has been very mild. Really, they were days that one would have been happy about if it hadn’t been for this year’s crop failure due to last year’s warm winter. That’s how you worry; Will the trees get the cold days they need this winter to be able to form flower buds well?

At least the many good days gave us the opportunity to take good care of the groves and prepare them for the winter. The cutting of the trees was completed in October, at a time when the olives would otherwise be harvested. Here one recognizes again the wisdom of the ancient saying “Οὐδέν κακόν ἀμιγές καλοῦ” (No evil is pure from good); Early cutting is better for the trees because it allows them to close their wounds when it is dry and warm.

The trees are now being fertilized. This process should be completed while the good days last, so that when winter sets in, the rainwater carries the nutrients to the roots. For this reason, on December 28th also Tragos-founder, Panos, came to assist Elton.

The meeting point was the pen of a shepherd friend. This was where the good sheep and goat manure was, which first had to be shoveled into bags. Such a bag weighs around 35 kilos and one is needed for each tree. It’s tedious work, but the team is well-coordinated.

A hard job; filling the bags

As soon as the vehicle was fully loaded – about 50 bags fit on it – two men drove it into the grove to distribute the fertilizer.

Another 2 stayed behind to fill more sacks.

Everyone is allowed; here Tragos-founder, Panos.
Full, but not quite full!
Arrived safely at the “Voulgaraki” grove; Now manure can be distributed!
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If you want more impressions of our fertilization campaign, watch our videos:

Tragos-founder, Panos, at work

This is what the “greedy” shoots that need to be removed look like!

During the fertilization campaign it was also noted that many shoots have appeared on the olive tree barks due to the good weather. These should be removed during the winter because they consume important nutrients and moisture. It is no coincidence that such saplings are called “the greedy” in local farming jargon.

So, anyone who visits our region during the winter can get involved; There are enough such shoots for everyone!

At the end of the day, the groves that burned down during the forest fire of July 2020 were visited (see our report from April 17, 2021). Here you have to marvel at how resilient the olive tree is! It’s pretty amazing; Trees that were burned down to the roots are now 2-meter-tall bushes. So the time is approaching when we will cut these trees.

However they will not be refined into the Manaki variety, but rather left as wild olive trees. We’re excited to see what kind of olive oil comes out of their fruit!

The olive bushes are already 2 meters high! With their strong root system, they will soon be big and healthy trees again!”

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